Act 1
- Act 1.1 A Troubled Village (Road to Helos, Timaeus)
- 1.1.1 Monstrous Brigands (Laconia, Nicostratus)
- 1.1.2 The Cornered Man (Laconia Woods)
- 1.1.3 Medicines Waylaid (Laconia Hills)
- Act 1.2 Spartans at War
- 1.2.1 The Lost Dowry (Laconia Hills)
- 1.2.2 The Ancient of War (Spartan War-Camp)
- 1.2.3 The Poisoned Spring (Village of Tegea)
- Act 1.3 The Words of the Oracle
- 1.3.1 Skeleton Raiders (City of Megara)
- 1.3.2 News of a Shipwreck (City of Megara)
- Act 1.4 The Source of the Monsters
- 1.4.1 A Proper Offering (City of Megara)
- 1.4.2 The Good Centaur (Ambrossos Farmlands)
- 1.4.3 A Master Blacksmith (Village of Ambrossos)
- 1.4.4 Goods Abandoned (Village of Ambrossos)
- 1.4.5 The Grieving Widow (City of Delphi)
- Act 1.5 The Battle for Athens
- 1.5.1 Trapped in the Ruins (Kephisos Valley)
- 1.5.2 Spartans Lost (Kephisos Valley)
- Act 1.6 The Order of Prometheus
- Act 1.7 Under the Labyrinth
- Act 1.8 The Blindness of the Gods
Act 2
- Act 2.8 The Blindness of the Gods
- 2.8.1 The Family Heirloom
- 2.8.2 The Beast of Legend
- 2.8.3 Plight of the Nile Farmers
- 2.8.4 A Promethean Surrounded
- Act 2.9 The Invocation
- 2.9.1 Lowest of the Low
- 2.9.2 The High Priest's Request
- 2.9.3 The Missing Brother
- 2.9.4 Khufu's Curse
- 2.9.5 A Hidden Treasure
- 2.9.6 Caravan Woes
- Act 2.10 A Telkine in Egypt
- 2.10.1 The Corrupted Priest
- Act 2.11 The Sickle of Kronos
Act 3
- Act 3.11 The Sickle of Kronos
- Act 3.12 Hunt for the Sickle
- Act 3.13 Journey to the Jade Palace
- Act 3.14 Under Wusao Mountain
- Act 3.15 Olympus
Act 4
- Act 4.16 A Mysterious Message
- Act 4.17 Medea's Price
- Act 4.18 The Road to Hades
- Act 4.19 Judgment of the Living
- Act 4.20 The Battle for Elysium
- Act 4.21 The Immortal Throne
Act 5
- Act 5.22 Troubles of a New Age
- 5.22.1 Festivities
- 5.22.2 Sciron
- 5.22.3 A Northern Contact
- Act 5.23 The Warrior Princess
- Act 5.24 The Power of Nerthus
- Act 5.26 The Rescue
- Act 5.27 The Wisest Being
- Act 5.28 The Burning Sword